In the not-so-distant future, Captain Jordan Strider, a Special Forces Officer in the New World Alliance, is chosen for a top-secret mission. Sent to a desolate planet, Terra 219, to arrest possible traitors to the Alliance, Strider must survive with only a government issued experimental suit as protection. He quickly learns of a plan to end all humanity.
- Genre: Action, Science Fiction
- Release:
- Stars: Brea Grant, Bryan Hanna, Chris Jai Alex, Colleen Smith, Diana Toshiko, Dianne Kwon, Elijah Starr, Erik Betts, Jason Charles Miller, John Duerler, Kevin Thompson, Kimberly Arland, Lee Bane, Luke Barnett, Meg Cionni, Michael Morales, Monica May, Rhobye Wyatt, Stephen Settgast, Todd Fournier, Traycee King, Zack Ward, Zoltán Hódi
- Duration: 85 min
- Director: Greg Aronowitz
- Country: US